Case Study

University of Central Missouri Instructor introduces Microsoft Excel with the power of ExPrep
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“ExPrep was exactly what I needed; it really fit a need I had already”
Sarah Bailey Senior Instructor Accountancy
Read the Study

The Problem
Professor Bailey sought to incorporate Excel in her accounting classroom because she believed it was an essential tool for her students to know. She spent time creating and grading Excel assignments while teaching and grading her accounting curriculum.
The Solution
She discovered ExPrep while planning the Spring semester and was ensured by the ExPrep team that we could set up and automate her Excel content within the semester transition.
The Results
Professor Bailey was able to automate her grading and provide the right feedback to students. Students can now get Excel training and secure the proper skills needed to join the workforce.
Insights From Students
It gives students of different skill levels independence when completing assignments and optional step-by-step instructions. Exprep has allowed students to have hands-on practice for many accounting modules on Excel and has also taught them essential keyboard shortcuts they can use in their future careers.
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